Find the Best Free Online University Courses & other skill development training"A human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated."
Find the Best Free Online University Courses & other skill development training
"A human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated." - Horace Mann
Find Free Online University Courses is a resource app that breaks barriers to education by reaching millions of learners around the world, providing links to free education courses and resources from top universities**.
We've rounded up some of the top course providers so that you can search for free online courses in the learning categories which include: -
- Arts
- Biology & Life Sciences
- Business & Management
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Economics & Finance
- Education
- Energy & Earth Sciences
- Engineering
- Food and Nutrition
- Health & Society
- Humanities
- Information, Tech & Design
- Law
- Mathematics
- Medicine
- Music, Film, and Audio
- Physical & Earth Sciences
- Physics
- Social Sciences
- and more
We desire to make learning accessible to all so we invite you to use our app to find online courses from some of the best learning institutions in the world.
Search the links for courses from top universities**, including but not limited to: -
Harvard University (USA)
Princeton University (USA)
Columbia University (USA)
Standford University (USA)
University College London (UK)
University of Cambridge (UK)
University of Oxford (UK)
Australian National University (AUS)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
We've also included resources from platforms that provide courses that are accredited for college credit and are taken for skill development and self-improvement. Learning Skills like Programming, Yoga, Design, Photography, Spanish, Marketing, Guitar, Finance, Cake Decorating, and more.
"Genius without education is like silver in the mine." - Benjamin Franklin
**We have no affiliation to any of the learning institutions and provide this service as a convenience
*Logos and trademarks belong to individual institutions and we make no reference to ownership of any kind